3 [[
sequence< CdrBilling > CdrBillingOpt
Definition: Cdr.ice:26
CdrBillingOpt billing
If billing is available for this call, the array contains 1 element with it.
Definition: Cdr.ice:44
string startTime
The time a call appeared on Smartswitch.
Definition: Cdr.ice:34
string code
E.164 billing code.
Definition: Cdr.ice:20
double price
The full price of a call.
Definition: Cdr.ice:23
Direction direction
The Direction of a call from the POV of Smartswitch.
Definition: Cdr.ice:46
The Direction from the POV of Smartswitch.
Definition: Direction.ice:10
The struct defines the biling-part of a CDR.
Definition: Cdr.ice:18
int answeredSeconds
The rounded duration of a call in seconds from answerTime to endTime.
Definition: Cdr.ice:41
string callerId
A-number of a call.
Definition: Cdr.ice:38
string answerTime
The time a call was answered on Smartswitch.
Definition: Cdr.ice:35
string hangupCause
Human-readable Q.850/Q.931 hangup reason.
Definition: Cdr.ice:42
sequence< Cdr > CdrSequence
Definition: Cdr.ice:50
double minutes
The duration of a call in minutes according to billing increment, minimum and free seconds.
Definition: Cdr.ice:22
long peerId
An ID of a Peer to which this call leg is assigned.
Definition: Cdr.ice:48
Definition: AccessException.ice:7
List of available GenericPeer descendants.
Definition: PeerType.ice:12
The struct defines the Call Detail Record for one call leg.
Definition: Cdr.ice:32
string technology
The technology of a call, for example SIP.
Definition: Cdr.ice:37
string endTime
The time a call ended on Smartswitch.
Definition: Cdr.ice:36
string currency
The name of the currency in which the price is calculated.
Definition: Cdr.ice:24
Peer::PeerType peerType
A type of a Peer to which this call leg is assigned.
Definition: Cdr.ice:47
string calleeId
B-number of a call.
Definition: Cdr.ice:39
bool tollFree
true if the callee pays.
Definition: Cdr.ice:21
int totalSeconds
The rounded duration of a call in seconds from startTime to endTime.
Definition: Cdr.ice:40